The video received 93 likes and 3640 views in under a year. On November 19th, 2017, YouTube user Bass Boost Bruh posted a video featuring the screenshot edited to have a stretched Roblox head in the background, and rapidly playing the Roblox Death Sound over and over again (shown below, left). On July 13th, 2018, a page for jevel57 was created on on the r/GoCommitDie lore wiki. On January 27th, 2018, A user called hotel man posted a photoshopped version of the McDonald's logo (shown below) in the group that was changed to say 'MacDondald' and 'boy you think you funny.' It received 8 likes within a month.
It received over 21 posts in under a month. Sometime on or before January 27th, 2018, a group called the 'Jevel57 appreciation community' was created on the now-defunct website The image was reposted onto several other sites, especially Reddit.